
Design and construction using insulating concrete formwork

Design and construction using insulating concrete formwork

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Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF) is a popular method of residential construction in many countries. It is a simplistic method of concrete wall construction where the polystyrene 'formwork' is left in place to provide insulation to the wall. This is the first UK guide to ICF, introduced at a time when the ICF market is growing significantly. The guide covers ICF wall design to both BS8110 and EC2 and demonstrates that in many cases ICF walls do not require main reinforcement. The guide covers the specification of ICF as well as construction and workmanship aspects. There are many ICF systems available on the market and this guide should not be used as a basis for deciding the system to the used in a particular case. This decision should be based on information, specific to the particular site, provided by the building contractor.

Published: 2007