Now that the Eurocodes for construction are actively in the implementation stage the publication of the Precast Eurocode 2: Design Manual, sponsored by the Department of Trade and Industry under its earlier Partners, in Innovation scheme, is very timely. It is anticipated that it will be influential in helping consulting structural engineers and the UK precast concrete industry make the best use of the Structural Concrete Eurocode, EC2.The move towards modern methods of construction, which includes a shift to offsite construction techniques, with the construction site becoming more a place of components assembly, makes the Design Manual a tool of particular importance for design engineers.The Design Manual has been prepared by a well-known expert on the Eurocode and a key member of the UK's Eurocode development team, Professor R S Narayanan, with the support and assistance of a Project Team drawn from consulting engineers, industry bodies, precasters and academia. It was also subject to review by another well-known member of the UK Eurocode team, Robin Whittle, formerly of Arup.The Design Manual summarises the material that is likely to be used in the design of building structures using Eurocode 2, focusing on the consideration of precast components and using extensive clause referencing to guide designers through EC2, the UK National Annex and other relevant Eurocodes. It includes appendices containing design aids.
Published: 2007
Pages: 93
Published: 2007
Pages: 93