
TR18 A guide to the selection of admixtures for concrete

TR18 A guide to the selection of admixtures for concrete

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This is a non-technical introduction and guide to admixtures selection. It is written for site engineers, consulting engineers, architects and others who are not necessarily materials specialists. This new edition has been fully updated and revised according to current practice.The guide is intentionally pragmatic with a view to encouraging informed and responsible admixture use. It recognises the many applications of admixtures and their effects on the properties of concrete in the plastic and hardened state. The Guide is in two parts. The first part provides a general overview of admixtures and usage trends and contains advice on appropriate admixture selection. The second part consists of a series of 17 Admixture Information Sheets. These detail the main admixture types, with guidance on their function, material base, mechanism, use and effects on concrete properties.

Published: 2002
Pages: 60

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